
How can convert his android phone into iPhone

Apple has one look, and it's quite a distinctive one. If you really want to make your Android look like an iPhone, you can.


                    There's no single Android "look." Sure, we've got Material Design, and it's great. But Android can and often does look like anything under the sun: pretty, ugly, clean, busy, Material, Holo, retro, futuristic, and at times, even Apple-y. If you can make your phone look like anything, it makes sense that some might want their phone to look like one of Cupertino's devices.

Now making your phone look and behave exactly like an iPhone is impossible without a specialized ROM, or a phone that was designed to look and feel like an iPhone — think Xiaomi, Huawei, or a few other Chinese manufacturers. But between these apps and a little patience, we can make your new phone behave and feel a lot more like your old one … in a good way.                      

      How can do =

1.First Download Apptoide because X launcher pro is a paid version. 
2. After installing Apptoide search in Apptoide X launcher pro. 
3.Click the X launcher pro and install it. 
4.Now download inotify app by Describition.
5. Open Inotify and give the all permission. 
6.Open X launcher and Give all permission. 
       Now enjoy it.......... 

App Download links -


               I notify.

           X launcher prime

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